Category: Invisalign

Category: Invisalign

Invisalign Eligibility

If you’re a busy adult who wants straight teeth, you may have considered Invisalign clear aligners. But how do you know if it’s the right treatment option for you? Determine your Invisalign eligibility by reading this article and scheduling a free consultation at Webb Family Orthodontics.


New Year, New You!

As the new year begins we’re all making resolutions to improve our days and better our lives. We all want to eat healthier, get to the gym, and finally get around to doing that one thing we’ve been putting off until the new year… well folks, it’s time!


10 Famous Faces that Benefited from Braces

While you might not imagine braces as an accessory to the stars, celebrities with braces are more common than you think! Many of our famous favorites have had their teeth straightened up for the limelight.


7 Reasons Why Invisalign Is Great for Teens

Metal braces have been the only real treatment option for teens for decades, but the many benefits of Invisalign, including its subtlety, make it an outstanding treatment plan for modern teens.


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